As part of CoachFinder for Agents, TransferRoom recommends suitable clubs that Trusted Agents can Plus Pitch their Head Coach to. Read on to find out how we calculate our recommendations.
Agents can't go knocking on doors when they have no idea which clubs are looking for a new Head Coach. Now agents can benefit from TransferRoom's recommendations and the fact that club's will be able to come straight to them if they're interested in their client.
What is Head Coach Plus Pitch?
When a Trusted Agent represents a priority Head Coach in their TransferRoom portfolio, they are able to Plus Pitch their client to any club in the TransferRoom network.
However, part of the challenge for agents to find their Head Coach client their next club is that they often don't know where to start. It's hard to find out if clubs are looking for a new Head Coach.
During Plus Pitch, agent's can benefit from being recommended 20 clubs that are both suitable for their Head Coach client and could be looking for a new face in the dugout soon.
Read on to find out how we determine which 20 clubs we recommend.
How do we calculate our club recommendations?
There are a few factors we consider when calculating which clubs to recommend for Head Coach Plus Pitch.
Is the Head Coach suitable to the club?
Using our Head Coach Suitability score, we can recommend to an agent the clubs that are most suitable to their client. Read more here about how we calculate the Head Coach Suitability score.
Can the club afford the Head Coach's salary?
We can compare the salary an agent inputs when Plus Pitching their Head Coach with data to suggest the Head Coach salaries that a club has previously paid. That way we can suggest clubs that can afford the salary that an agent's Head Coach is looking for.
Could the club need a new Head Coach?
We take into account various circumstances that often indicate a club will soon be looking for a new Head Coach. These include:
- If a Head Coach's contract is expiring
- If a Head Coach is underperforming
- If a Head Coach is over performing and could be poached
- If a club has shown interest in a Head Coach on TransferRoom
Does the Head Coach pass GBE?
For UK clubs, we take into account whether a Head Coach would pass their GBE status.
How do I get access to CoachFinder for Agents?
CoachFinder for Agents is now available exclusively for Trusted Agents on new TransferRoom agency packages, Premium and above.
Not on a new TransferRoom agency package and looking to access CoachFinder? New to TransferRoom and want to learn about how you can become a Trusted Agent to unlock opportunities in the market of Head Coach recruitment? Visit our CoachFinder for Agents page.
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