TransferRoom’s Suitability score explained
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TransferRoom’s Suitability score explained
by Becca Carr

All you need to know about the TransferRoom Suitability score, how it’s calculated, and how you can use it when hiring your next Head Coach. 

To develop our unique Suitability score we calculate a score between 0-100 for every possible squad and Head Coach combination. So, when you’re looking at a Head Coach candidate you can see how suitable they would be for your current squad.

Suitability is one of the elements of data visible on a Head Coach’s profile on TransferRoom. TransferRoom VIP members get exclusive access to over 5,000+ Head Coach profiles as part of their membership, at no extra cost. 


Where is the Suitability score seen?


Clubs will see the score in the top section of a Head Coach’s profile and a more detailed breakdown in the profile’s Suitability section, as well on search results labelled ‘fit for your squad’. 


Here’s an example of the Suitability score when searching for Pep Guardiola: 

Screenshot 2023-11-07 152444


How is the Suitability score calculated?


The TR Suitability score takes into the following contributing factors:

  • How close the average TR Team Rating of squads the Head Coach has managed is to the TR Team Rating of a club’s current squad.
  • The suitability of the user’s first team squad players to the Head Coach’s playing style. This is calculated using the TR Player Suitability score explained below. 
  • How similar the Head Coach’s playing style is to the style that the user’s squad is used to playing (for example, possession vs. direct attack or high press vs. low block). 
  • The similarity of the Head Coach’s preferred formation to the formation that the user’s squad is accustomed to playing. 

The score is then adjusted based on the following factors: 

  • Does the Head Coach speak an appropriate language for the user’s squad? 
  • Does the Head Coach have experience in the same league, country or continent of the user’s squad? 



How is Player Suitability calculated? 

Player Suitability is a score between 0-100 that assesses the suitability of a Head Coach to the senior players of a club. It is a unique score for every individual player and Head Coach combination. 

This means that the overall Suitability score factors in whether a Head Coach is both suitable for the overall team and for individual players. 

The Player Suitability score takes into account how many minutes the Head Coach has historically given to players of the same TR playing style. 


How can clubs use the Suitability score?

Of course, data will never tell the full story and we would never expect a club to base a decision on a single rating. You will have your own opinion on Head Coaches formed from your existing analysis. 

Instead, the Suitability score can be used as a quick objective and personalised indicator, available at a glance to give a starting point to your search. Use the rating to narrow down the field of candidates and focus your recruitment efforts. 

Unlike other Head Coach data platforms, we hold extensive data on your first team players that we can compare with Head Coaches to find a Head Coach that would match the attributes of your current squad and predict how suitable they would be. 


If you have any other questions about the TR Suitability score, or about upgrading to a VIP membership in order to access CoachFinder, please speak to your customer success representative.

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