How this agent is keeping players in the loop about their next move
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How this agent is keeping players in the loop about their next move
by Jonathan Rest

In an industry where transfer rumours are in big supply, it is very easy for trust between an agent and player to break down. For Joseph Mohan, CEO of French agency Carmenta, open communication with his players strengthens the bond.

When I go to see a player who is asking lots of questions about the next transfer window I can show him on TransferRoom that I pitch him to this, this and this country, and he is happy about that. When I have a club save the pitch, I then send it to my player... It’s about honesty and transparency for their career.
Joseph Mohan
CEO, Carmenta

Prove you're putting player first


For agents, retaining and scaling up their player portfolio is crucial. And to do that they need to be providing proof of ability and effort to get the maximum career opportunities for each of their clients. Keeping players in the dark can leave them frustrated and, potentially, looking for new representation.


On TransferRoom, France-based Trusted Agency  Carmenta, which counts FIFA World Cup winner Benjamin Pavard among its portfolio, is one of those standing out as a transparent agency, regularly sharing pitches and feedback with its players.


Mohan (pictured) said: “By having the verification as a Trusted Agent, a club knows exactly that I’m the only one representing that player and no-one can interfere in that deal. And for players when I show them the platform, I show them that I can pitch them around the world and that clubs identify me as a Trusted Agent. That’s really important.


“When I go to see a player who is asking lots of questions about the next transfer window I can show him on TransferRoom that I pitch him to this, this and this country, and he is happy about that. When I have a club save the pitch, I then send it to my player and say, ‘Hey, look, this club saved the pitch, let’s see what happens, keep on working hard, keep on playing’. They like it when I show that to them. It’s about honesty and transparency for their career.”


Expanded network opens up multiple moves


Having access to decision-makers at more than 650 clubs in over 60 countries means Mohan can maximise the opportunities on offer for his players.


He continued: “With TransferRoom you can show your players that you have more contacts than agents who are not on the platform. I can pitch them around the world quickly. I have connections now in Mexico and MLS, for example, and players know those clubs pay very well so it’s really important for them to be able to see the interaction.


“And then, of course, off the platform you have the Summits, which allow me to meet clubs from a lot of different countries and to extend my network, for example in Germany and England, where I have struggled more. 


“Thanks to TransferRoom it has enabled me to get to know them better. The clubs in these countries did not really know me before. Now they can identify me and they like the way I work.”

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