Global market access and visibility: Why agencies should upgrade on TransferRoom
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Global market access and visibility: Why agencies should upgrade on TransferRoom
by Jack Hyom

Three Trusted Agencies - AKA Global, FutureBall and INNfootball - explain why they renewed and upgraded their subscriptions on world football’s only transfer marketplace.

We want to increase our network to increase the chance to make a transfer in the future as well. We want to have the right timing to find the right people, to have access to the decision-makers. Therefore, I think TransferRoom is a good platform to find these people.
Maximilian Hoffmann
Agent, AKA Global

Three top agents on why they upgraded on TransferRoom


Since 2021, TransferRoom has been the home to verified Trusted Agents, who gain direct access to the decision-makers at the world’s biggest network of clubs through our digital marketplace.


Now there are over 550 Trusted Agencies and that number is on the rise.


They are verified as the representatives of their players on the platform, building trust while ensuring other agents don’t wrongly represent their clients.


They also get unrivalled market intelligence of understanding of clubs’ needs and what they are looking for in the transfer market.


But what is the value that the agencies themselves see in TransferRoom, and why do agencies not only renew but also upgrade their packages on the platform?


We speak to three TransferRoom Trusted Agents, all of whom recently upgraded their subscription, to find out.

Maximilian Hoffmann: Agent, AKA Global (Germany)



“We want to increase our network to increase the chance to make a transfer in the future as well. We want to have the right timing to find the right people, to have access to the decision-makers. Therefore, I think TransferRoom is a good platform to find these people.


“We have more pitches, we have more chances to make transfers. That's why we also renewed the package and another chance to work with TransferRoom.“

Marcin Michalak: CEO, INNfootball (Poland)



“Hopefully we will be growing as TransferRoom is. Knowing the possibilities that are created by the platform, we just wanted to have more and more of our players to be visible, to have these pitch opportunities on the platform.


“It's great visibility for an agency for sure. Plus there is a possibility to have knowledge about different requirements from clubs all over the world. It's a good tool also for us to pitch different ideas or to reach out to different clubs. As a Trusted Agent that creates a better starting position for any kind of conversation with the club.”

Utku Cenikli, Executive Director, FutureBall



“For 365 days a year, you can reach what the teams are looking for. Also, we can show the players what we did in the last transfer window for them.


“If the agents want to come out from their borders, you need TransferRoom. Nobody can see hundreds of teams very easily. Nobody can reach every club in the world. Not enough time, not enough power. But on TransferRoom, you can reach the people with one click.


“That's why we improved our package, as our agency is also improving. We are now representing an increased number of players on TransferRoom.”


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