5 reasons to share more information with your players
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5 reasons to share more information with your players
by TransferRoom

Why should football agents share information with players? Here are 5 good reasons to keep players in the loop with all potential transfer activity.

Players want to believe that you have their best interests at heart and are presenting them with the best possible opportunities.

Secrecy and discretion are an essential part of transfer negotiations with clubs. But if, as an agent, you're not open with your players about what you are doing on their behalf, it can cause problems.

Players want to believe that you have their best interests at heart and are presenting them with the best possible opportunities. The industry is full of rumour and gossip, however, and there are always other agents making wild promises to try to tempt your clients to leave you.

If other agents fill the information gap between you and your player, trust can be eroded. A breakdown in communication can quickly become a breakdown in the whole relationship. 

But sharing up-to-date reliable insights about pitches to clubs and their feedback has real benefits:

  1. Building trust. Instead of just hoping players will be loyal to you, being transparent and open with clients increases trust, which is essential to a successful working relationship.
  2. Improving communication. Instead of keeping players in the dark, having a regular two-way flow of information ensures everyone is on the same page.
  3. Reducing misunderstandings. Instead of letting gossip or other middlemen set the agenda, telling players the real situation creates clarity and brings down the risk of conflict.
  4. Facilitating decisions. Instead of expecting a player to let you make choices that affect their career, sharing information allows the process to be collaborative and the player to take ownership of outcomes.
  5. Enhancing reputation. Instead of being thought of as just another agent in a crowded market, taking the lead in keeping players informed and being transparent about your work makes you stand out as the kind of representative that your existing clients want to stay with, and other players want to join.


Openness and transparency are NOT obstacles to doing business - in fact, they are the opposite. By sharing information and keeping lines of communication open, you give yourself and your players the best chance of achieving everyone’s goals. And that will not only increase mutual trust and loyalty, but also attract new clients who like how you operate.

TransferRoom's Player Loyalty Booster feature helps you provide transparent feedback to your players and to build trust. Find out more. 

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