'We want fast, correct data': why Karlsruher SC joined TransferRoom
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'We want fast, correct data': why Karlsruher SC joined TransferRoom
by Jonathan Rest

German club aims for more transparent transfer business thanks to real-time, reliable information on football's digital marketplace.

TransferRoom enables us to plan transfers in a more specific and detailed way. For example, when players in the positions we are looking for are pitched by other clubs or when it comes to finding out transfer fees, salaries or contract terms. TransferRoom immediately keeps us up to date with that information.
Necat Aygün
Technical Director, Karlsruher SC

Finding trustworthy, reliable information


Identifying the right players at the right prices is no easy task in the transfer market, with intermediaries often confusing the conversation with unwanted pitches and spreading disinformation.


That’s why Karlsruher SC have turned to TransferRoom’s network of global clubs and selected Trusted Agents to ensure they have all the ingredients for success when it comes to buying and selling players.


Necat Aygün, the club's Technical Director (pictured below), said: “For us as a 2. Bundesliga club, it is important to find the right players at affordable conditions, which is not always easy because many other clubs are also interested in these promising players. 


“It is a big challenge in the transfer market to find fast and correct information on a daily basis.”


necat technical director karslruher

Technical Director Necat Aygün says easy access to reliable market information is crucial

Real-time data helps decision-making


Via the TransferRoom platform, Karlsruher SC can now be connected to decision-makers at more than 650 clubs from 100 leagues in 60 countries at the push of a button. Real-time information on clubs’ requirements and player availability ensure the German club can move quickly in the market when the right conditions present themselves.


Aygün added: “TransferRoom offers us the platform to improve our communication with clubs and agents. 


“TransferRoom enables us to plan transfers for the summer or winter transfer period in a more specific and detailed way. For example, when players in the positions we are looking for are pitched by other clubs or when it comes to finding out transfer fees, salaries or contract terms. TransferRoom immediately keeps us up to date with that information.”

Doing business beyond their borders


Karlsruher SC have traditionally done transfer business within Germany or neighbouring countries like Austria, Denmark and Hungary.


Direct connections on the TransferRoom platform, as well as the regular in-person Summits will not only strengthen those relationships, but also open up new opportunities for the club’s recruitment department.


Aygün said: “By expanding our network, other markets are now more accessible to us. Not only do our neighbouring countries become more transparent through TransferRoom, but players from South America or Africa, for example, are made more accessible to us.


“We are open to all markets. It is always about the quality and the price. Ultimately it is up to us how quickly we scout someone who has been suggested to us on the platform.”

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