Sporting Director Magdoń leaves after Wisła Płock relegation
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Sporting Director Magdoń leaves after Wisła Płock relegation
by Jack Hyom

Paweł Magdoń has decided to step down as Sporting Director of Wisła Płock, following their relegation from Poland's Ekstraklasa.

I feel responsible for finally saying goodbye to the Ekstraklasa. I assure you that for my part I have done everything to take our club in the right direction. Wisła Płock will always remain in my heart and I will keep my fingers crossed for the club's return to the top flight as soon as possible, where it belongs."
Paweł Magdoń
Ex-Sporting Director, Wisła Płock

The club's final-day defeat to MKS Cracovia meant they finished third-bottom, with the three lowest-ranked teams dropping from the top flight. It brings seven years at the top level to an end for the club.

Magdoń, who spent four years over two spells at Płock as a player, returned as Sporting Director in December 2020.

It was his second executive role after retiring, having taken on the responsibilities of Sporting Director and Vice-President at his last club as a player, Lechia Tomaszów Mazowiecki, in 2019.

"I would like to sincerely apologise to everyone affected by the fate of Wisła Płock," Magdoń said. 

"I take it on my chest, I also feel responsible for finally saying goodbye to the Ekstraklasa.

"I assure you that for my part I have done everything to take our club in the right direction.

"Unfortunately, certain conditions affected the whole of our work. Wisła Płock will always remain in my heart and I will keep my fingers crossed for the club's return to the top flight as soon as possible, where it belongs."


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