Inside the process of hiring a top Head Coach with Orta and Fonseca
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Inside the process of hiring a top Head Coach with Orta and Fonseca
by TransferRoom

Watch Sevilla FC Sporting Director Victor Orta and LOSC Lille Head Coach Paulo Fonseca give their inside view on the process and reveal how clubs can get the appointment right.

We need relevant, verified information. We get information from external sources and opinions from people that are valuable, but subjective. With CoachFinder you can get the objective information that you need when you hire a coach.
Victor Orta
Sporting Director, Sevilla FC

Experts on how to hire the right Head Coach


Head Coach sackings are at an all-time high and there has never been a harder time to get this crucial appointment right in the professional game.


They last an average of less than eight months in a job, and two thirds of clubs will have hired a new Head Coach this time next year.


But why is this happening when our data shows that they are more important than any player signing?


TransferRoom has launched a new platform to help clubs change all that. CoachFinder gives club decision makers in-depth data on over 5,000 Head Coaches worldwide so they can make smarter, data-driven appointments and quickly identify all the candidates most suited to their team and philosophy.


But now it’s time to hear from the experts making the decisions.


After CoachFinder was launched at November 2023’s TransferRoom Summit in Lisbon, Sevilla FC Sporting Director Victor Orta and LOSC Lille Head Coach Paulo Fonseca gave exclusive insight into the recruitment process of a coach at the elite level.


Orta also revealed how he hired Marcelo Bielsa as Leeds United Head Coach, the man who took them to the Premier League, and explained the process of appointing Diego Alonso at Sevilla a month before the Summit, and why he’s sure that the results will come despite a tough start.


Fonseca explains what he needs at a club to hit the ground running as a Head Coach, having done so with Pacos de Ferreira, Braga and Shakhtar Donetsk among others. And the philosophy he has that matches with his current club Lille and has set him up for success with the Ligue 1 side.


Watch the full panel discussion here


Football clubs, transform the way you hire Head Coaches and open up your global talent pool on CoachFinder.


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