11 things to check if you’re approached by a football agent
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11 things to check if you’re approached by a football agent
by TransferRoom

Choosing an agent is one of the most important decisions you make as a player. Here are 11 things every player should check when approached by an agent.

Everyone has their own personal preferences and needs when it comes to representation. Be honest with yourself about what yours are and assess whether the agent approaching you is capable of satisfying them.

Players have more choice than ever when it comes to picking an agent - and more agents than ever telling them why they should choose them.


When you are approached directly, it is easy to get caught up in the agent’s sales pitch as they tell you how good they think you are and how good they could be for your career.


But before making a decision, there are a number of basic facts you need to establish and questions you need to ask yourself. 


Here’s an 11-point checklist:

  1. Verify the agency is legitimate.  All bona fide agents should have a public website, social media pages and a TransferRoom public agency profile that verifies their credentials.
  2. Seek opinions and advice from others. Have your teammates heard of this agency? Has anyone used them in the past? What was their experience like?
  3. Find out which markets and countries they're active in. Do these align with where you see yourself taking the next step in your career, if you’re looking for an international move? Some federations, such as the Football Association in England, require agents to register with them in order to be able to work in that territory, so you should check they have the relevant credentials.
  4. Check the profile of players they currently represent on their agency profile. Are they similar players to you in terms of age, position, etc? Are they playing at a similar level as you either are, or would like to?
  5. Establish their track record. Research the transfers deals and new contracts they have done, or better still ask them to share the information.
  6. Get testimonials from existing players. Ask to speak to 2-3 of their existing clients and get the truth from the horse’s mouth.
  7. Assess the size of the agency. How many players do they represent?  You might like the idea of being one of many (i.e. the agent might have more contacts and experience) or one of few (you’d potentially get more attention).
  8. Consider the range of services offered. What are you looking for in an agent - only football representation, or more? If you’re looking for things like financial advice or relocation help, then check if the agent offers these services.
  9. Ask about fees. Make sure you understand how the agent charges for their services. Remember you can always negotiate. Don’t take the quoted fees as final. Seek legal advice before signing any contract.
  10. Meet face to face. This is important, and not just for security reasons. An agent who wants to represent you should go the extra mile and travel to you, even if you don’t live nearby. And meeting in person gives you a much better idea of whether you will work well together.
  11. Compare the market. Don’t get swayed by flattery or big promises from the first agent who approaches you. Check them out properly, and then compare them to a few other potential agents. Who is the best fit for you?

Choosing an agent is one of the most important decisions you make as a player. You owe it to yourself to take the time to obtain the relevant information about anyone who approaches you. 

Everyone has their own personal preferences and needs when it comes to representation. Be honest with yourself about what yours are and assess whether the person approaching you is capable of satisfying them.

If you're looking for a new agent, TransferRoom can help you find the right agent to advance your career. Sign up and connect with a Trusted Agent now.

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